Inspire your students.
Build your business.

We're here to help.

Our Vision

We inspire people to grow,
so they can take on bigger challenges and more responsibility,
to make their life better along with the people around them.

Steps to Become an Educator

1. Vision and Values

Learn how our Vision and Values could help you and your students' grow even further. 
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

2. Meeting with Leadership

Book a 15 minute meeting with Rob Laizure to discuss your success as an Educator.

We will cover the details of IGU including our generous revenue sharing model to help you achieve your financial goals. 

Our Values

I will be a person of integrity in how I live and how I teach.

I will invest in relationships with people online and in person.

I will pursue excellence in my teaching content. 

I acknowledge that the founders of InspireGrowthU are followers of Jesus who believe that God is real and he makes Himself and His commands known through the Holy Bible and through Prayer.

Write your awesome label here.
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